As Per
IS : 2062-2006
Grade A, B & C

Special Features
Low temperature rolling imparts higher strength to the structures.
Pilling and automatic tying of the structurally ensure minimum damage during handling and transport. 
Invoicing : As per actual weight. 
We manufacture 25 x 3 to 50x 6, 60 x 3 & 60 x 4 Sizes.


T 40x40x5
T 40x40x6
T 50x50x6
ANGLES : 25x25x3, 25x5, 24x14, 32x3, 32x5, 32x14, 35x5, 35x4, 40x6, 40x5, 40x3, 40x14, 50x6, 50x5, 50x14
UNEQUAL ANGLES : 45x30x4, 50x30x4
Various other special sections can be manufactured on orders
All Sizes Manufactured by us are duly straightened